SRIF’s Agilent Technologies 7890/5975C gas chromatograph mass spectrometer is a workhorse instrument for both qualitative (non-targeted) and quantitative (targeted) sample analysis for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs).
- 7890 Gas Chromatograph
- Multi-mode inlet for large volume – solvent evaporation injections, split/splitless, and split injections
- Backflush module for column purging after each sample run
- Retention Time Locking for Easy Method Maintenance
- Finger-tight column nuts for ventless column changes
- 5975C Single Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
- Full Scan, Selected Ion Monitoring (SIM), Simultaneous SIM/Full Scan
- Triple Axis Detector for High Sensitivity
- High Energy Dynode
- High temperature Source Rated to 350 °C
- Onboard PFTBA Tuning Solution
- Custom CombiPAL Robotic Sample Preparation/Sample Injector
- Liquid Injections
- 2, 10, 20 mL Sample Vial Trays
- Interchangeable Syringe Sizes
- Syringe Wash Station
- Refrigerated Sample Compartment
- Headspace Sampler
- Heater/Agitator
- Solid Phase Micro Extraction (SPME)
- MassHunter Software
- Instrument Operation
- MassHunter Quant for quantitative analysis of target compounds in samples
- MassHunter Qual for compound identification in non-target analysis via deconvoluted spectra
Free Online Tutorials
Fundamentals of Gas Chromatography
How Quadrupole Ion Filters WorkOptimizing SPME for a Variety of Applications