SRIF’s premier gas chromatograph – triple quadrupole mass spectrometer manufactured by Shimadzu Scientific Instruments is equipped with a Shimadzu AOC-6000 Plus sample preparation-sample injection system provides extraordinary sensitivity and extremely low background signal.
- AOC-6000 Plus preparation and injection system
- Liquid injection
- Headspace sampling
- Arrow Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME Arrow)
- Nexis GC-2030 Gas Chromatograph
- Split-Splitless injector port
- Advanced flow technology
- Automatic Adjustment of Retention Times
- TQ8040NX Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
- MS sources include Electron Impact Ionization (EI), Chemical Ionization (CI) and Negative Chemical Ionization (NCI)
- Mass analysis mode include Full Scan with library searchable spectra, Selected Ion Monitoring (SIM), Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM) and simultaneous MRM and Full Scan
- Smart Databases automate MRM method development for as many as 400 compounds per method.
- Shimadzu GCMS Lab Solutions Software
- Insight Software provides rapid throughput quantitative analysis